Our Story

Our mission is to help meaningful projects with a positive social impact, contributing to social responsibility.



After graduating from Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University, Martin led the development of algorithmic trading systems at RSJ, then worked on asset management in RSJ investment funds and co-founded the RSJ Foundation , on whose supervisory board he still sits.

He spent two years helping to build a portfolio directly with the team at Tilia Impact Ventures, the country's first impact fund, and now focuses on impact investing at his family trust. Understanding impact and targeting projects for needed and well-defined systemic change is key for him when assessing investments.

He philanthropically supports a wide range of projects, is a member of the Ashoka Support Network and an active member of the Via Foundation Donor Consortium.

He dedicates all his free time to his family.




After graduating in Media Studies at the Charles University, he worked in leading positions in the media, was the editor-in-chief of sport.cz .

In 2010 he returned to IT sector and since 2014 he has been working closely with Martin Ducháček. After the consolidation of activities under the Duchaczech family trust at the beginning of 2021, Tomáš is mainly responsible for the organizational and financial agenda.

A communication expert and experienced business manager for whom trust, reliability and responsibility are the cornerstones of any cooperation.

In his spare time, he enjoys his family and sports, especially golf.


duchaczech s.r.o.

Nad Kaplankou 2764/2a, Dejvice 160 00 Praha 6

spis. značka C 344357 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze

IČO 09904298



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